Recognizing a need to motivate and inspire employees to tackle the auto industry’s ever changing landscape, Civic partnered with Ford to bring back a decades old tradition, the Family Open House. Held at every US plant, these celebratory events were designed to honor and inspire employees by bringing them and their families together to see where they work via plant tours while featuring lots of games, food, music, and more.
After bringing the events back in 2023 for the first time in over a decade, Civic and Ford partnered once again in 2024 to extend the events to all US and Canada plants with an enhanced formula. The 2024 program focused on improving value and confidence amongst employees while strengthening leadership involvement and the inclusion of the larger business. With a greater emphasis on bringing together different parts of the business, bolstering activations and engaging more media, Civic was able to deliver 22 customized Family Open House events garnering participation from over 50,000 employees while increasing employee sentiment scores.
22 Events (across 2 countries)
52k+ Attendees
Measured Increase in employee Pride, Value and Confidence metrics.
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